Many metallic materials based on steels are essential to supporting us
in our everyday lives. At our laboratory, we endeavor to control the structures
of such materials on the nano, micro and macro scale, by forming composites
and multilayered structures, while refining their microstructures. Through
these techniques, we aim for rapid performance advancement, and to discover
new innovative steels and metals. We carry out research on these multiscale
structures, identifying and controlling the formation mechanisms and formation
origins of phases, composite formation, as well as the bonding of dissimilar
materials. The key to these processes in to which we are researching is
clarifying and controlling the nature of the interfaces between different
phases and different materials.

High Performance Multilayered Metallic Materials and Composites
High strength components and high ductility layers are used in order to
implement super-high strength as well as high ductility. The process, structure,
thermodynamic properties are being controlled, and deformation behaviour
is being clarified.

Mechanisms of Displacive Phase Transformations in Steels
In order to control the structure of martensite and bainite, the key phases
in enhancing strength in steels, we aim to clarify and control the structural
formation mechanisms of the transformations of these phases.

Clarification of the Hetero-Interface Bonding Mechanisms
High strength steels and dissimilar materials have until now been extremely
difficult to weld. In order to make this bonding possible, we are developing
new low-temperature, short-time bonding techniques and clarifying interface
growth mechanisms of such processes.